• Why this photobook is being published

    After the unexpected passing of Henry, the reaction to his death that I saw and experienced was surprising: there were articles in newspapers and many social media messages. I received supporting messages from people I didn’t know. The general theme was the love people had for Henry, and the respect for his talent as an event photographer. I was aware of his photography talent; this was easy to see. The extent of the personal influence he held on people he encountered while taking photos was a pleasant surprise. A new picture of my brother started taking shape in my head.

    During the planning of his memorial service my cousin Hesti Cronje told me that she always encouraged Henry to produce a photo book. The idea just made sense to me at the time. Later that same day I spoke with Henk van der Schyf and mentioned this idea to him. Henk immediately thought this to be a good idea, and it started right there. What surprised me again was the willingness of people to help with the book. The team working on this book are all personally motivated by what Henry meant to them. I will be forever grateful to everyone involved in making this book a reality.

    I now realise that I never fully understood what Henry was doing and how he touched people. My parents understood this even less. I hope this book also highlights to them what Henry was busy with and the impact he had on other people around him while doing it (I don’t believe they will ever understand his love for Metal? :o). I believe this photo book will one day be a treasured souvenir for his son. I know how much Henry loved his son and cannot imagine how much Henry Jnr misses him. To Annemien, who shared and influenced his photographic journey from the start (and his love for bike trips), may this book always remind you of all the good times you shared with my brother.

    Beyond the brilliance of the photos in the book, each one tells a story that will bring back memories for people that were present. I hope it will give everyone a reason to remember Big H with a smile on their faces, to share a story about him or a Jägermeister. I heard so many anecdotes over the past year. Many of the bands I spoke with said when they saw Big H in the pit, it motivated them to give their best. The motivation – great photos to use on social media and other platforms.

    Henry always referred to himself as an “Observer”. He was so much more than that without probably realising this himself. Big H made a difference.

    Giant In The Pit is a registered NPC (2022/316465/08). Any profit generated from the book will be made part of a grant administrated in conjunction with the Music In Africa Foundation, and utilised to fund and further music photography education and equipment for deserving individuals/organisations in South Africa. Details will be shared on this website.

  • Hoekom hierdie fotoboek gepubliseer word

    Na Henry se onverwagte dood was ek baie verbaas oor die reaksie wat ek daarop gesien en self ervaar het: daar was koerantberigte en baie boodskappe op sosiale media. Ek het bemoedigende boodskappe van mense ontvang wat ek glad nie ken nie. In dié boodskappe was daar ‘n algemene tema: die liefde wat  mense vir Henry gehad het en die respek wat hulle vir sy talent as musiekfotograaf betoon het. Ek was bewus van sy talent as fotograaf; dit was baie duidelik uit sy foto’s. Die omvang van die persoonlike invloed wat hy op die mense gehad het; waarmee hy in kontak gekom het terwyl hy foto’s geneem het, was onverwags en ‘n aangename verrassing. ‘n Nuwe prentjie van my broer het in my kop begin vorm aanneem.

    In die aanloop tot sy troosdiens het ons nig, Hesti Cronje, eendag vir my gesê dat sy nog altyd vir Henry aangemoedig het om ‘n fotoboek te publiseer. Die idee het net vir my sin gemaak. Later die dag het ek met Henk van der Schyf gepraat en op die ingewing van die oomblik dit aan hom genoem. Henk het dadelik saamgestem en net daar het dit begin. Wat my weer eens verbaas het, was die gewilligheid van mense om te help. Die span wat saam aan hierdie boek werk, doen dit almal met ‘n persoonlike motivering om iets vir Henry terug te gee, omdat hy iets vir hulle beteken het. Ek ís en sal altyd dankbaar wees teenoor elkeen wat help om die boek die lig te laat sien.

    Ek besef nou ek het net soort van ‘n idee gehad van wat Henry gedoen het en hoe hy mense geraak het; my ouers het dit nog minder verstaan. Ek hoop hierdie fotoboek wys ook aan hulle waarmee Henry werklik besig was en die invloed wat hy op die mense rondom hom gehad het (ek glo nie my ouers sal sy liefde vir “Metal” ooit werklik verstaan nie! :o). Ek glo ook dat die fotoboek eendag vir sy seun ‘n waardevolle aandenking sal wees om hom te help om sy Pa te onthou. Ek weet hoe lief Henry vir sy seun was en kan myself nie eers indink hoe baie Henry Jr. hom moet mis nie. Aan Annemien, wat sy fotografiese reis van die begin af gedeel en beïnvloed het (en sy liefde vir motorfiets trips), mag die boek jou altyd herinner aan die goeie tye wat jy met my broer gedeel het.

    Behalwe vir die ongelooflike foto’s in die boek wat elkeen ‘n storie vertel en die feit dat dit vir mense wat dáár was toe dit geneem is goeie herinneringe sal terugbring, hoop ek werklik ook dit gee vir almal wat persoonlik deur Big H geraak is, iets om hom met ‘n glimlag mee te onthou. ‘n Storie om te deel of ‘n verskoning om ‘n Jägermeister te drink. Soveel stories is in die laaste jaar met my gedeel. Baie van die bands met wie ek gepraat het sê reguit as hulle vir Big H in die pit gesien het dit hulle gemotiveer het om hulle heel beste te gee. Die motivering – great foto’s wat die band kon gebruik hom hulleself te bemark op social media en ander platforms)

    Henry het homself altyd as ‘n “Observer” beskryf. Hy was baie méér as dit sonder dat hy dit self besef het. Big H het ‘n verskil gemaak.

    Giant In The Pit is ‘n geregistreerde NPC (2022/316465/08). Enige wins uit boek verkope sal hanteer word as deel van ‘n skenking wat administreer sal word saam met die Music In Africa Foundation met die doel om die befondsing van musiek fotografie opleiding en toegang tot toerusting te bevorder vir verdienstelike individue/organisasies in Suid Afrika. Besonderhede sal gedeel word in op hierdie webtuiste.

Giant In The Pit is a Non-Profit Company
NPC 2022/316465/08

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